I think love is more important, although as a JW, I would have said 'accurate knowledge' ...
El blanko
JoinedPosts by El blanko
607? 587? What does it matter
by IP_SEC inpersonally i believe that 607 is not the right date, but here is another point of view.. does 607 or 587 or 609 or 586 or 1914 really matter?
yes but only after you have a pivotal date.
5 starting from the pivotal date.
How would a JW handle this? 587 proved correct date for fall of Jerusalem
by confusedjw inso i put it out to you who believe the wtbts is the agent used by god's channel on earth based on the belief that in 1919 (3 1/2 years after the gentile times ended in 1914, per pastor russell) they were appointed the fds.. what if it was proved that not 607, but 587 was the date jerusalem was destroyed?
would that affect your faith?
would it matter that the teaching of 1919 turned out to be false?
El blanko
I am not interested in your silly wager and neither is anyone else.
I'm interested
How would a JW handle this? 587 proved correct date for fall of Jerusalem
by confusedjw inso i put it out to you who believe the wtbts is the agent used by god's channel on earth based on the belief that in 1919 (3 1/2 years after the gentile times ended in 1914, per pastor russell) they were appointed the fds.. what if it was proved that not 607, but 587 was the date jerusalem was destroyed?
would that affect your faith?
would it matter that the teaching of 1919 turned out to be false?
El blanko
BA MA Studies in Religion
Woooooooo - impressive stuff.
I couldn't resist cutting in.
587, 607, 70 years, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Did the "Watchtower" Originate In the Occult?
by metatron inat one time, no one had any particular set of mental associations with the word "watchtower" - no one, except occultists!.
at the turn of the century, there was a highly influencial occult group called the "golden dawn".
they liked egyptian.
El blanko
A friend of mine is actually writing a book, not specifically centred around the JWs, yet highlighting synchronicities between Russell and the world of the occult.
Intriguing eh
To me, parts of the Bible are steeped in ' the occult '.
The JWs love to tell us that ' they ' hold the keys to unlock the mysteries of the Bible (Revelations/Daniel etc). How occult is that! Hidden knowledge/wisdom, explained by the high priests at the Watchtower.
faith, faithlessness and judgmentalism
by pepheuga init's a shame that nobody ever looked good in responding to the question, "do you have faith in god?
", by answering "no".
it makes one seem.....well, a bit of an onion.
El blanko
What I'm trying to say is stop worrying whether God exists or not, look for things that are true and make you ahppy - if God does exist that will become self evident - if He doesn't then whatever is true will manifest itself.
Good outlook
(well, unless Crack Cocaine makes you happy!!)
faith, faithlessness and judgmentalism
by pepheuga init's a shame that nobody ever looked good in responding to the question, "do you have faith in god?
", by answering "no".
it makes one seem.....well, a bit of an onion.
El blanko
Maybe you are right though. Maybe God is something inside each and everyone of us. I just wish I had the answers. All I really know is I've come to have no faith in God. That makes me sad, because I see no real hope for the future.
All I can tell you, is that I know how you feel.
I exist within each day and try to make the best of each day and basically, I'm waiting to see what happens in the future.
I read a little, think a little, sleep a little and eat a little.
It's all we can do really.
I also know that virtue is always worth pursuing regardless of our belief system.
Personally, I'm tired of the debating and have been for a few months.
faith, faithlessness and judgmentalism
by pepheuga init's a shame that nobody ever looked good in responding to the question, "do you have faith in god?
", by answering "no".
it makes one seem.....well, a bit of an onion.
El blanko
What has he done lately for the world, oh let's see, how about absolutely nothing.
It depends whether you seperate God from all that we are I suppose. If you view God as being ' we happy few ' - all of the matter and energy combined, then what God has done for us is simple:
Without God we would not exist to enjoy and sometimes endure this life we share.
I usually believe that God runs through all and is all, thus, God is life.
That has become my major stumbling block with the JWs ... they create a remote God that I can no longer associate with the reality I feel.
faith, faithlessness and judgmentalism
by pepheuga init's a shame that nobody ever looked good in responding to the question, "do you have faith in god?
", by answering "no".
it makes one seem.....well, a bit of an onion.
El blanko
Hi there
You make some good points, but your post is hard to read due to it's formatting. I personally can't stand reading one huge block of text on screen.
Try breaking up the key points by using a new paragraph for instance.
Sorry for being picky and going off subject.
El blanko
Comments You Will Not Hear At the 2-20-05 WT Study (Late Posting)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the february 20, 2005 wt study (january 15, 2005)
will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes from today?s wt will be in red and quotes "".
El blanko
Oh I see. No problem at all. It must be very difficult for you, but as you say:
This will not be easy but I do feel at peace and happy with myself.
... and that is the main thing I believe. Why live what you believe to be lie? I'd rather be free mentally, than chained to lies.
All the best.
Comments You Will Not Hear At the 2-20-05 WT Study (Late Posting)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the february 20, 2005 wt study (january 15, 2005)
will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes from today?s wt will be in red and quotes "".
El blanko
Hi Sheri & welcome
Just keep on researching with an open mind and heart. The society do not have all the answers and eventually demand a pact of loyalty based around their reasoning that they are God's one and only channel upon the earth.
I also used to have a problem with the date for the destruction of Jerusalem, but out of sheer desperation during my study (many moons ago now) I chose to ignore the inconsistences and got baptized regardless.
It is only now, several years later, that I have come to my senses and allow myself to examine all available evidence without prejudice.
All the best!